Member Stories

Angela Cerio
As one of the original members of Sky Light, I have seen it come through many changes and challenges. Through it all, the one thing about Sky Light that is most important to me is the sense of community, of belonging. To quote an old TV show theme song, ‘Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name and they’re always glad you came’.

Audrey Levine
Since becoming a Sky Light Center member I have remained out of the hospital. Before Sky Light Center, I was in and out of the hospital three times in two years. I am very grateful.
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Carolyn Varvaro
Sky Light Center staff were there for me when I was going through a tough time in my life. Sky Light Center helped me find and keep a job. They helped me put my life back together after I lost my home to Hurricane Sandy.

David Morris
...I had been a smoker for 30 years. But my doctor had told me I needed to quit and I was having trouble breathing. I officially smoked my last cigarette on March 2013...Now my self-esteem is better and I know I can reach a goal I set for myself. Hopefully I added ten years to my life too.

Elizabeth Moreno
Before joining Sky Light I had nowhere to turn for support and friendship. Since I became a member, I have made friends with both staff and members. My life feels more fulfilled.

Irakly Sanadze
I came get help with my depression and schizophrenia...I like to communicate with people here. Everybody my friend. I help at Sky Light by cleaning and helping with garbage...I am happy sitting in the Sky Light courtyard drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes and talking to my friends. It helps my mental illness...I am happy here.

Joel Madison
Sky Light has given me the structure and inspiration to live a purpose-filled life through work and independent living...Here, everybody's family. And that encourages me to keep coming here and not be afraid of being a productive member of society.

Laura Prather
...I would rather chase books than chase crack. I keep trying even when it gets hard because Sky Light believes in me. They have helped me improve my self-esteem.

Luba Rios
I enjoy being a Sky Light member because it keeps me busy. I also like to socialize with people.

Michael Spennato
I found that everything there (at Sky Light) was different than what I had experienced before. The relationships that I found at Sky Light Center was more of a camaraderie. The people are friendly and work together to accomplish a goal of recovery...It's given me opportunity to a pattern that allowed me to experience life to the fullest.

Pamela Schwarzmann
Sky Light has brought so much into my life.

Raymond Febles
I have been a Sky Light member for five years now. Sky Light has helped me out of the roughest period of my life. Sky Light took me out of an adult home setting and helped me attain independent living. Sky Light has given me confidence and the opportunity to work again. Thanks to Sky Light, I now have the chance to lead a better and healthier life. Thank you.

Reggie Minus
Sky Light has taught me that no matter where you are in life, things may happen where you may need some help. Sometimes it is good to let someone know what's going on - so this way they can help you and put you on the right path...If it wasn't for Sky Light, I don't know where I would be right now.