Since becoming a Sky Light Center member I have remained out of the hospital. Before Sky Light Center, I was in and out of the hospital three times in two years. I am very grateful.
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– Audrey Levine


Supported and Independent Employment: "A Bridge Back to Work"

Sky Light Center offers a comprehensive Assisted Competitive Employment (ACE) Program, designed to assist adults recovering from psychiatric disabilities in returning to integrated, competitive employment. The following services are offered by Sky Light Center's trained and professional ACE staff.

  • Service Coordinator in the areas of housing, clinical, legal and finance
  • Employment Dinners and Meetings
  • Linkage and referrals to natural supports in the community such as VESID (Vocational Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities) and SSA (Social Security Administration)

ACE Supported Employment consists of enrollees working in part-time or full-time permanent positions in various businesses in the community with on-going supports provided by ACE staff. In some situations, potential employees are placed and trained in entry level to skilled positions procured by the ACE Program at a worksite specific to career goals as well as the organizational needs of the employer. In situations where enrollees procure their own placements and request off-site supports, ACE is able to offer ongoing, individualized supports.

ACE Program Hours: Monday–Friday, 9AM–5PM

When an employer agrees to hire one of our particpants, an ACE professional job coach will:

  • Train in the position for several days
  • Write a job analysis / description subject to management approval
  • Assist our employee with the employer's screening process
  • Train the employee for a minimum of 5 days
  • Sky Light Center's ACE staff will be available on an ongoing basis to support the worker and the employee.

Our ACE Program can save business money in three ways:

  • Saving employers training time
  • Employers eligible for Work Opportunities Tax Credit for up to $2,100.
  • No need to advertise, as we have a pool of potential employees.

Businesses will also profit from the benefits of positive community relations. We look forward to businesses joining the community of other businesses that have found our ACE Program to be a mutually beneficial proposition (references from businesses available upon request). If you are interested in Sky Light Center's A.C.E. Program contact:

By Mail

Sky Light Center
A.C.E. Program Director
307 St. Marks Place
Staten Island, N.Y. 10301

By Phone


By Fax


Tours are available prior to applying. Referral application materials are available upon request.

Transitional Employment

As a right of membership, Sky Light Center provides members with opportunities to return to paid employment in integrated work settings through its Employment Programs: Transitional Employment, Supported Employment and Independent Employment.

Transitional Employment is a highly structured program for members returning to work in local business and industry. Transitional Employment placements are at the employer's place of business, are part-time (15-20 hours per week), and include many on-the-job and off-site supports from Sky Light staff and members. These placements generally last from six to nine months. Members can then try another placement or move on to independent employment.

Transitional Employment is specifically designed as a vocational rehabilitation program where a member can gain or regain the skills and confidence necessary to have a competitive job while he or she works in a supported job placement. The only requirement for the member to participate in Transitional Employment is the expressed desire to work.

Clubhouse Standards state:

"The Clubhouse offers its own Transitional Employment (TE) program, which provides as a right of membership opportunities for members to work on job placements in business and industry. As a defining characteristic of a Clubhouse Transitional Employment program, the Clubhouse guarantees coverage on all placements during member absences. In addition the Transitional Employment program meets the following basic criteria:

  • The desire to work is the single most important factor determining placement opportunity.
  • Placement opportunities will continue to be available regardless of the level of success in previous placements.
  • Members work at the employer's place of business.
  • Members are paid the prevailing wage rate, but at least minimum wage, directly by the employer.
  • Transitional Employment placements are drawn from a wide variety of job opportunities.
  • Transitional Employment placements are part-time and time-limited, generally 15 to 20 hours per week and from six to nine months in duration.
  • Selection and training of members on Transitional Employment is the responsibility of the Clubhouse, not the employer.
  • Clubhouse members and staff prepare reports on TE placements for appropriate agencies dealing with members' benefits.
  • Transitional Employment placements are managed by Clubhouse staff and members and not by TE specialists.
  • There are no TE placements within the Clubhouse. Transitional Employment placements at an auspice agency must be off site from the Clubhouse and meet all of the above criteria.