...I had been a smoker for 30 years. But my doctor had told me I needed to quit and I was having trouble breathing. I officially smoked my last cigarette on March 2013...Now my self-esteem is better and I know I can reach a goal I set for myself. Hopefully I added ten years to my life too.

– David Morris


Mission Statement:

To promote for Sky Light members the goal of ensuring that each person has power, choice, knowledge and control over their physical health and that their Clubhouse community has the capacity to support empowerment and recovery in this area.

Sky Light's Health Promotion concepts include:

  • The importance of members' participation in identifying and addressing their health issues
  • Member control over the determinants of health
  • Member choice about health care strategies
  • Member knowledge about their health issues

Wellness Program Supports and Activities:

  • Weight Watchers
  • Smoking Cessation (through a collaboration with Staten Island University Hospital's Smoking Cessation Clinic)
  • Yoga
  • Jazzercise
  • Zumba
  • Dental Services (through a collaboration with American Mobile Dental)
  • On-site Nutritionist
  • On-site Gym
  • Nutrition Support Group